
Welcome & Vision

Welcome to the website for The Beaulieu Park School. The Beaulieu Park School is Essex’s first ‘All Through’ school. Our Primary phase opened for reception students in September 2018 and the Secondary phase opened in September 2019.

The new buildings and facilities cost £34m and the our school has been built to meet the growing demand for primary and secondary school places as a result of the new developments at Beaulieu, Channels and surrounding areas. 

We hope you find this site useful and that it provides you with the information you are looking for. As well as our website, you can keep up to date with news and information about the school via our Facebook page The Beaulieu Park School and our Twitter feed @BeaulieuParkSch.  

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At Beaulieu, we believe that all children, regardless of their ability or background, should have access to an outstanding education. At The Beaulieu Park School traditional subjects are given additional lesson time in our longer school week to give pupils a better grounding for further study. 

We believe in inspiring curiosity in our students and fostering a lifelong love of learning. Our aim is to equip every student with the knowledge, drive and character necessary for success at university and beyond.*

We provide a strong curriculum in all phases of the school that focuses on knowledge and skills, a varied and inclusive co-curricular programme, outstanding teaching and learning and a focus on the individual child. Every member of our community, believes in the following and with no excuses:  

  • High quality teaching and learning: That outstanding teaching and learning should take place in every lesson.  
  • Exemplary Behaviour: The highest expectations of our students, rewarding hard work and effort. Our students taking pride in being part of our community.  
  • High Achievement: That regardless of their ability, students should make excellent progress. Rigorous and detailed tracking systems allow us to ensure that all students can meet our high expectations. 
  • Aspiration: That all students should be given the opportunity to follow a pathway that is relevant to their ambitious goals. We expect all our students to aspire for excellent academic achievement, regardless of ability.
  • Ambitious Curriculum: Helping our students achieve their future ambitions through a curriculum pathway that facilitates their needs, abilities and high aspirations.
  • Developing Character: Ensuring our students develop into independent, confident citizens. We offer an extensive co-curricular programme to complement and enhance the learning that goes on in the classroom.
  • A Commitment: To support the achievements, well-being and development of all students and staff across every school in the Chelmsford Learning Partnership.  

Our ‘all through’ school is distinctive from other schools. Students can make outstanding progress through curriculum continuity, not affected by phase breaks, which research has shown can lead students to fall back in their educational progress. Cross-phase teaching enables teachers to share expertise and resources and maximise the progress of every individual child.  A common school ethos ensures that students understand the expectations of good behaviour and hard work which in turn motivates them to be highly ambitious from a very early age. Older students act as role models and support the achievement of those in earlier phases, both through academic and co-curricular links. Most importantly, we have an incredible sense of community that cannot be replicated in a stand-alone primary or secondary school, driven by strong leadership and encompassing parents/carers and the local community.  

We are sure that you will be as excited as we are about the prospect of your child attending The Beaulieu Park School. A school that serves the community and provides an outstanding, special education for all.

Mr J Donaldson

Executive Headteacher

*All further & higher education and apprenticeship routes are valid next steps for our students. Choices are important and must suit the individual. At Beaulieu however, it is imperative that all children, whatever their background believe that University or further education is a viable choice for them and that these pathways are not reserved for those from more affluent backgrounds. At Beaulieu, we believe that education is the key to a happy, healthy, socially mobile/adaptable and fulfilled life.