

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education 

This programme aims to:

  • provide a moral and ethical framework within which a student can develop and express their beliefs, views and values
  • listen to and respect alternative points of view, thereby increasing students’ understanding of those around them.
  • provide additional opportunities, beyond the formal curriculum, that encourage students to become independent, self-supporting, and active members of the wider community

In the Sixth Form PSHEE is delivered in the following ways:

  • Form Times: discussions on all aspects of Sixth Form pastoral care
  • Outside speakers
  • In-house speakers: student-led assemblies
  • Former students: talks on careers, gap years, charities etc.
  • Off curriculum PSHEE events: study skills, driving safety.
  • Off-site events: eg Higher Education and Apprenticeships Fair in Year 12
  • Active citizenship: many students contribute to the wider school community by becoming a House Captain or a Senior Prefect, undertaking paired reading or peer mentoring, or engaging in fundraising activities.  Others complete work experience at local schools, hospitals or care homes for the elderly.
  • Co-curricular: Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Dragon's Enterprise Challenge, Debating, Interact (charity fundraising), Model United Nations (MUN)
  • Social events: theatre trips, Live Lounge, Sixth Form barbecues, Leavers Ball, etc.