
Dress Code

The school is noted for the smart appearance of its students and those in the Sixth Form play a leading role in this. 

The Sixth Form smart dress code expresses our students’ self-confidence, pride and sense of the standards expected in business and professional work places. All items should be appropriate in terms of fit and length.

The ‘Dress Smart Work Smart’ dress code is as follows:

  • A 'business style' suit or tailored jacket (optional) 
  • Dresses, where preferred, should be smart and tailored (no shirt or jumper dresses) and of professional length (closer to knee than the hip).  Sundresses are not deemed to be appropriate.
  • Ties should be worn with smart collared shirts. 
  • Shirts, blouses or smart tops should be formal and business-like.
  • Jumpers are allowed as an option for both male and female students, but they must be thin, formal and fitted. 
  • Tights must be plain (not ripped, fishnets or patterned)
  • Skirts must be of professional length (closer to knee than the hip)
  • Shoes must be flat or low heeled and business-like (no trainers, unless a pass is granted for medical reasons).
  • Boots of any kind should not be worn at school.
  • Coats should be smart.  They should not be worn in lessons or around school.
  • Hats, scarves and gloves may be worn to and from school, but not on site.
  • A level PE, A level Drama & Theatre Studies, A Level Dance are only permitted to wear their specialist items of clothing and kit during lessons.
  • Sports clothing for enrichment or co-curricular activities must be stored in a bag.  Changing facilities at the Sports Centre are available.
  • Earrings are permitted in the sixth form and these should be understated and appropriate for a professional working environment. 
  • Nose studs - a single discreet (side) nose stud is allowed.
  • Students are not allowed to wear shorts, T-shirts, flip-flops, strappy tops or similar 'beachwear' garments

Whilst there are slight differences in the wording, our sixth form dress expectations follow those of other schools in our trust.

In addition

Tattoos (It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo, even with parental consent).

Hairstyles and colour should be appropriate for a smart, working environment. Students must not dye their hair an unnatural colour. This includes but is not limited to pink, red, blue, green, and or purple. If in doubt, students are to consult a member of the Sixth Form team prior to making any changes to their hair colour.

All clothing should be clean and in good repair.


In cases where there is uncertainty, decisions will be at the discretion of either the Head of Sixth Form or the Sixth Form Learning Manager.


You will be issued with a lanyard in order to identify you as being one of our students and as such have permission to be on our site.  You must wear it at all times from when you arrive at school to when you leave.  If you are seen without it, you will be given a uniform infringement mark.  If it breaks or you lose all or part of it, you will need to go to the Sixth Form Office to arrange a replacement within 24 hours.  You will be charged for a replacement – the prices for this are detailed in the Student Handbook.

If you forget your lanyard, please go immediately to the Sixth Form Office where you will be issued with a temporary one.  You must return this at the end of the school day or you risk being billed for it.  This will also incur a uniform infringement mark.