

BPS 6th wide


At Beaulieu, we believe that our Sixth Form is the stepping stone to every student’s future.  Serious study is combined with extensive opportunities for enrichment.  Students who leave our Sixth Form are enthusiastic, well-grounded and versatile young people who are excellently equipped to take their place in, and contribute to society.

In the Sixth Form we offer our students the opportunity to excel academically, as well as helping them to develop and enhance leadership skills through a range of activities. Obtaining excellent qualifications is fundamental to Sixth Form life, but this is balanced with the aim of developing essential personal qualities through involvement in activities such as debating, music, sport drama, travel and charitable work.

This experience takes place in a nurturing and supportive environment where we guide students to help themselves. Students are encouraged to develop intellectual curiosity, to read around their studies and to challenge theory. These essential study skills, alongside time management and organisation, are the qualities that lead to the success that students at Beaulieu enjoy.

All of our A Level courses are academic.  There is a stimulating and dynamic range of subjects available which allows students to pursue their passions, and facilitates entry to the highest quality universities, apprenticeships and school leavers’ programmes.  The Extended Project Qualification supports, stretches and challenges our students to give them a wonderful preparation for university style study.

Students in the Sixth Form have fun, work hard and make lifelong friendships.  They are part of a close-knit community, in which everyone settles quickly and where there is a shared desire to succeed in all they do, and to help and support others.

The Beaulieu Park Sixth Form curriculum is an exciting blend of elements which combine to provide an excellent preparation for students to enter university, to follow an alternative career path, and for life beyond school. We offer a range of A Level subjects with rigour and depth, whilst the Extended Project Qualification, allows students the breadth of study that stimulates intellectual curiosity. Our courses are taught by subject experts who deliver outstanding, dynamic and stimulating lessons.

In choosing Sixth Form subjects, students should not only consider what they enjoy and what they are good at, but also the right combination of subjects for their chosen degree or career. Students should also take into account their predicted grades, and whether they are sufficient to take the study of those specific subjects further.

The broad range of subjects on offer is designed to give a personalised programme of study, delivering excellent standards of learning and teaching, enabling greater support and ultimately successful outcomes. We do our very best to accommodate the wishes of students. Although no guarantee can be given that every choice of subjects will be accessible, we endevour to provide most students with their first preferences.

To study in the Sixth Form at Beaulieu, a minimum score of 40 points from 8 GCSEs including a minimum of grade 4 in both English and Maths, is required. (See our full admission arrangements below). In addition, each subject has its own specific entry criteria, the details of which can be found in the Sixth Form Course Guide (below).

Students are expected to study three subjects plus EPQ. At Beaulieu, we prioritise quality over quantity. Three A Levels, studied over 10 hours per fortnight each, places our students in the best position for academic success and their next steps.

Sixth Form Dress Code

The school is noted for the smart appearance of its students and those in the Sixth Form play a leading role in this. 

The Sixth Form smart dress code expresses our students’ self-confidence, pride and sense of the standards expected in business and professional work places. All items should be appropriate in terms of fit and length.

The ‘Dress Smart Work Smart’ dress code is as follows:

  • A 'business style' suit or tailored jacket (optional) 
  • Dresses, where preferred, should be smart and tailored (no shirt or jumper dresses) and of professional length (closer to knee than the hip).  Sundresses are not deemed to be appropriate.
  • Ties should be worn with smart collared shirts. 
  • Shirts, blouses or smart tops should be formal and business-like.
  • Jumpers are allowed as an option for both male and female students, but they must be thin, formal and fitted. 
  • Tights must be plain (not ripped, fishnets or patterned)
  • Skirts must be of professional length (closer to knee than the hip)
  • Shoes must be flat or low heeled and business-like (no trainers, unless a pass is granted for medical reasons).
  • Boots of any kind should not be worn at school.
  • Coats should be smart.  They should not be worn in lessons or around school.
  • Hats, scarves and gloves may be worn to and from school, but not on site.
  • A level PE, A level Drama & Theatre Studies, A Level Dance are only permitted to wear their specialist items of clothing and kit during lessons.
  • Sports clothing for enrichment or co-curricular activities must be stored in a bag.  Changing facilities at the Sports Centre are available.
  • Earrings are permitted in the sixth form and these should be understated and appropriate for a professional working environment. 
  • Nose studs - a single discreet (side) nose stud is allowed.
  • Students are not allowed to wear shorts, T-shirts, flip-flops, strappy tops or similar 'beachwear' garments

Whilst there are slight differences in the wording, our sixth form dress expectations follow those of other schools in our trust. For a visual aid to acceptable dress, please click on the following link to The Boswells School. When our sixth form commences, we will add a photograph of our own students here.

In addition

Tattoos (It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo, even with parental consent).

Hairstyles and colour should be appropriate for a smart, working environment. Students must not dye their hair an unnatural colour. This includes but is not limited to pink, red, blue, green, and or purple. If in doubt, students are to consult a member of the Sixth Form team prior to making any changes to their hair colour.

All clothing should be clean and in good repair.


In cases where there is uncertainty, decisions will be at the discretion of either the Head of Sixth Form or the Sixth Form Learning Manager.


You will be issued with a lanyard in order to identify you as being one of our students and as such have permission to be on our site.  You must wear it at all times from when you arrive at school to when you leave.  If you are seen without it, you will be given a uniform infringement mark.  If it breaks or you lose all or part of it, you will need to go to the Sixth Form Office to arrange a replacement within 24 hours.  You will be charged for a replacement – the prices for this are detailed in the Student Handbook.

If you forget your lanyard, please go immediately to the Sixth Form Office where you will be issued with a temporary one.  You must return this at the end of the school day or you risk being billed for it.  This will also incur a uniform infringement mark.

Information, Advice and Guidance

We are extremely proud of our students’ outstanding academic achievements and work hard to support them.  Sixth Form is a critical period of transition between school and higher education or employment.  When becoming a Sixth Form student there are a number of challenges: managing the academic adjustment from GCSE to A Level, taking more responsibility for independent learning and applying for university courses, school leaver programmes, higher apprenticeships or jobs.  These issues may also coincide with social pressures, personal problems and emotional stress.  We have a very well-established structure of academic teaching, individual pastoral care and take the advice we give to our students regarding higher education and careers guidance very seriously.  We ensure our students develop as young adults and leave the Sixth Form mature, confident, well-rounded and independent individuals. 

For students joining the Sixth Form the induction programme and pastoral system is designed to ease the settling in period, and support is available from the Sixth Form team throughout the transition process and into the academic year.  All new students are invited to join us for our Induction Days prior to commencing Year 12.  Time is spent on taster lessons, team-building activities and meeting Form Tutors and fellow tutor group members.  Students settle quickly into the learning, the new environment and high expectations that form part of being a Sixth Form student at Beaulieu.

Sixth Form Tutors monitor academic progress and general welfare.  Students are allocated a highly experienced tutor for the two years and are part of a close-knit tutor group. 

Tutorial sessions are held three times a week, when Form Tutors carry out pastoral work on an individual basis, or run a whole tutor group session.  It is the Form Tutor’s role to have an academic and personal overview of each individual within their tutor group and to be the first point of contact between the student, parent or carer and the subject teachers.  In addition, Sixth Form students and their families can call on the Director of Sixth Form and the Sixth Form team for help and support, both in academic and in personal matters.  Sixth Form students with special learning needs work closely with their Form Tutors and the school’s Learning Support Department. 

At this stage of education we recognise that communication with parents and carers continues to be vital. We achieve this through regular Parental Consultation Evenings alongside tracking and reporting of progress throughout the year.  More direct contact happens where necessary.  We host Parental Information Evenings (PIEs) for parents about Sixth Form life, explaining the university process, the transition from Year 12 to 13 and how the school supports the students in these areas.

Our Sixth Form team works hard to ensure that each student has an excellent personal reference whatever their future ambitions.  Students are given detailed advice and assistance throughout the UCAS process.  Specialist advice is on hand for Oxbridge applicants and other highly competitive fields such as medicine, veterinary and dentistry. Many of our students will be increasingly exploring apprenticeships and we host a wide range of informative events about these in school.

We value our Sixth Form students as individuals and as leaders of our school community.  Sixth Form students are encouraged to take up posts of responsibility and Senior Prefect roles, as well as to participate in the pastoral welfare of students in the main school as peer mentors or paired readers.  All students are also supported to gain experience of the world of work during the course of Year 12.  Whilst the priority should always be A Level study, universities and employers are looking for balanced, well-rounded individuals who have not only achieved academic excellence, but have also contributed to, and benefited from, other activities.  Some of these activities can be challenging, but ultimately we aim to make them enjoyable and personally rewarding.

Sixth Form Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education (PSHEE)

This programme aims to:

  • provide a moral and ethical framework within which a student can develop and express their beliefs, views and values
  • listen to and respect alternative points of view, thereby increasing students’ understanding of those around them.
  • provide additional opportunities, beyond the formal curriculum, that encourage students to become independent, self-supporting, and active members of the wider community

In the Sixth Form PSHEE is delivered in the following ways:

  • Form Times: discussions on all aspects of Sixth Form pastoral care
  • Outside speakers
  • In-house speakers: student-led assemblies
  • Former students: talks on careers, gap years, charities etc.
  • Off curriculum PSHEE events: study skills, driving safety.
  • Off-site events: eg Higher Education and Apprenticeships Fair in Year 12
  • Active citizenship: many students contribute to the wider school community by becoming a House Captain or a Senior Prefect, undertaking paired reading or peer mentoring, or engaging in fundraising activities.  Others complete work experience at local schools, hospitals or care homes for the elderly.
  • Co-curricular: Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Dragon's Enterprise Challenge, Debating, Interact (charity fundraising), Model United Nations (MUN)
  • Social events: theatre trips, Live Lounge, Sixth Form barbecues, Leavers Ball, etc.

Joining Beaulieu Sixth Form

If you would like to apply to join our Sixth Form from September 2024, you can apply from Tuesday 7th November 2023.  The application form can be found at the bottom of this page. Completed applications must be submitted by Friday 8th December 2023.